Theme: Pollinators and pollination services
When: 30th January 2023
Where: Hybrid; France at the IDEEV institute and online
As we settle into a new year, SafeAgroBee project organized a conference to shed the light on pollinators and pollination services. This PRIMA project focuses mainly on beekeeping and pollination services in order to ensure biodiversity and food security as well as human well-being, which contributes to the mitigation of the effects of climate change.
The conference will take place in France at the IDEEV institute on 30 of January, and it will bring together fantastic speakers, leading scientists and researchers who are at the forefront of their fields. This conference will cover many themes including pollinators; their diversity, efficiency and conservation.
The entry is free for the public – farmers, scientists, beekeepers, students, institutes, universities, nature lovers as well as pollinator appreciators!
The conference will be a hybrid one, for those unable to attend in-person, to engage a geographically diverse audience.
It is necessary to be registered first, through this link:
Why not let everyone know about this interesting conference! Share this article on social media using the hashtag #SafeAgroBee and this link!
Keynote speakers include:
Laure Kaiser-Arnauld French National Centre for Scientific Research | CNRS • Institut écologie et environnement (INEE); UMR EGCE: Evolution, Genomes, Comportement et Ecologie (CNRS/IRD/UP Saclay)
PhD in Biological Sciences
Fabrice Requier UMR CNRS-IRD-Université Paris-Saclay
PhD in Ecology
Clémence Riva UMR-EGCE Université Paris-Saclay, CNRS, IRD
Fani Hatjina Hellenic Agricultural Organization – Demeter | ELGO • Division of APICULTURE
BSc, PhD
Lise Ropars Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle • Homme et Environnement
PhD in Pollination Ecology
Adrien Perrard Institute of Ecology and Environmental Sciences IEES-Paris | iEES • Community Diversity and Ecosystem Functioning
Isabelle Merle Postdoctoral researcher at EGCE/IDEEV
Janez Prešern Agricultural institute of Slovenia – Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije
Camille Faber Master student at EGCE/IDEEV
Image by : <a href=””>Image by</a> on Freepik