
The objective is to maximise the visibility  and impact  of the project to relevant  actors and stakeholders  and to  ensure  a  smooth  exchange  of  information  between  the  partners. Furthermore this WP aims to actively engage Citizen Scientists and monitor their contribution and opinion.

Description of work

Task VI.1. Establishment of communication media (website, YouTube channel, accounts in Facebook, Twitter, Linkedln, ResearchGate)

Task VI.2. Training of partner’s teams in new methods and systems (9 trainings will take place for the needs of WP I, II, III and IV)

Task VI.3. Training of Citizen Scientists/ Coordination of the CSs/ Socio-economic survey (5 trainings will take place for the needs of WP II, III and IV)

Task VI.4. Development of dissemination materials and exploitation of results (coordination of the development of all leaflets, identification cards, fact sheets, translation in local languages). Also the organisation of the Kick of meeting and the open conferences (2) and workshops (2) with stakeholders.